Single Subject Credential

Content Areas

The Single Subject Teaching Credential program prepares qualified candidates to teach the following content areas in California public middle and high schools:

  • Art
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • World Languages*

*The Single Subject Program can only place a limited number of World Languages candidates in student teaching. The number varies depending on the language.

2 semester Credential Only (Fall Start) Program

Courses are 3 units unless otherwise indicated.

Fall Semester: 5 courses/15 units Spring Semester: 4 courses/18 units
Select Curriculum and Instruction I course: Select Curriculum and Instruction II course:
Art- EDUC 750 Art- EDUC 755
English- ENG 713 English- ENG 714
Mathematics- S ED 759 Mathematics- S ED 769
Music- MUS 760 Music- MUS 761
Physical Education- KIN 750 Physical Education- KIN 751
Science S ED 759 Science- S ED 769
Social Science- S ED 759 Social Science- S ED 769
World Languages- MLL 750 World Languages- MLL 751
S ED 701- Teaching for Equity in Secondary Schools S ED 752- Professional Perspectives and Practices
S ED 720- Critical and Digital Literacy Across Content Areas S ED 790- Teaching Multilingual Learners in Secondary Schools
S ED 751- Classroom Environment and Management S ED 660- Student Teaching (9 units)
S ED 640- Observation and Participation (Field Placement)  

Note 1: Awarded Credential in summer following completion of coursework, successful completion of the edTPA and CA preliminary credential requirements (e.g., CPR, technology, US Constitution).

2 semester Credential plus M.A.

Courses are 3 units unless otherwise indicated.

Fall Semester: 5 courses/15 units Spring Semester: 4 courses/18 units
Select Curriculum and Instruction I course: Select Curriculum and Instruction II course:
Art- EDUC 750 Art- EDUC 755
English- ENG 713 English- ENG 714
Mathematics- S ED 759 Mathematics- S ED 769
Music- MUS 760 Music- MUS 761
Physical Education- KIN 750 Physical Education- KIN 751
Science S ED 759 Science- S ED 769
Social Science- S ED 759 Social Science- S ED 769
World Languages- MLL 750 World Languages- MLL 751
S ED 701- Teaching for Equity in Secondary Schools S ED 752- Professional Perspectives and Practices
S ED 720- Critical and Digital Literacy Across Content Areas S ED 790- Teaching Multilingual Learners in Secondary Schools
S ED 751- Classroom Environment and Management S ED 660- Student Teaching (9 units)
S ED 640- Observation and Participation (Field Placement)  

Note 1: Awarded Credential in summer following completion of coursework, successful completion of the edTPA and CA preliminary credential requirements (e.g., CPR, technology, US Constitution).

NOTE 2: Must maintain continuous enrollment.

Our part-time MA program is designed for employed, credentialed teachers, who continue coursework to complete their MAs while teaching.

Fall Semester: 2 courses/ 6 units Spring Semester: 2 courses/6 units
S ED 725 - Classroom Issues in Language, Literacy, and Culture  S ED 850- Culminating Experience Project Design
S ED 780- Advanced Curriculum Development * elective
Fall Semester: 0 courses/0 units Spring Semester: 2 courses/6 units
* collect data for field study S ED 859- Field Study or Curricular Innovation Project
* teach curricular innovation project S ED 774 - Teacher Research Methodologies

3 semester Credential Only (Spring Start) Program

Courses are 3 units unless otherwise indicated.

First Semester (Spring) 2 courses/6 units Second Semester (Fall) 4 courses/ 12 units Third Semester (Spring) 3 courses/15 units
S ED 701- Teaching for Equity in Secondary Schools Curriculum and Instruction I Course: Curriculum and Instruction II Course:
S ED 790- Teaching Multilingual Learners in Secondary Schools Art- EDUC 750 Art- EDUC 755
  English- ENG 713 English- ENG 714
  Mathematics- S ED 759 Mathematics- S ED 769
  Music- MUS 760 Music- MUS 769
  Physical Education- KIN 750 Physical Education- KIN 751
  Science- S ED 759 Science- S ED 769
  Social Science- S ED 759 Social Science- S ED 769
  World Languages- MLL 750 World Languages- MLL 751
  S ED 720- Critical and Digital Literacy Across Content Areas S ED 752- Professional Perspectives and Practices
  S ED 751- Classroom Environment and Management S ED 660- Student Teaching (9 units)
  S ED 640- Observation and Participation (Field Placement)  

Note 1: Awarded Credential in summer following completion of coursework, successful completion of the edTPA and CA preliminary credential requirements (e.g., CPR, technology, US Constitution).

3 semester Credential plus M.A.

Courses are 3 units unless otherwise indicated.

First Semester (Spring) 2 courses/6 units Second Semester (Fall) 4 courses/ 12 units Third Semester (Spring) 3 courses/15 units
S ED 701- Teaching for Equity in Secondary Schools Curriculum and Instruction I Course: Curriculum and Instruction II Course:
S ED 790- Teaching Multilingual Learners in Secondary Schools Art- EDUC 750 Art- EDUC 755
  English- ENG 713 English- ENG 714
  Mathematics- S ED 759 Mathematics- S ED 769
  Music- MUS 760 Music- MUS 769
  Physical Education- KIN 750 Physical Education- KIN 751
  Science- S ED 759 Science- S ED 769
  Social Science- S ED 759 Social Science- S ED 769
  World Languages- MLL 750 World Languages- MLL 751
  S ED 720- Critical and Digital Literacy Across Content Areas S ED 752- Professional Perspectives and Practices
  S ED 751- Classroom Environment and Management S ED 660- Student Teaching (9 units)
  S ED 640- Observation and Participation (Field Placement)  

Note 1: Awarded Credential in summer following completion of coursework, successful completion of the edTPA and CA preliminary credential requirements (e.g., CPR, technology, US Constitution).

NOTE 2: Must maintain continuous enrollment.

Our part-time MA program is designed for employed, credentialed teachers, who continue coursework to complete their MAs while teaching.

Fall Semester: 2 courses/ 6 units Spring Semester: 2 courses/6 units
S ED 725 - Classroom Issues in Language, Literacy, and Culture S ED 860- Culminating Experience Project Design
S ED 780- Advanced Curriculum Development * elective 
Fall Semester: 0 courses/0 units Spring Semester: 2 courses/6 units
* collect data for field study S ED 895- Field Study or Curricular Innovation Project
* teach curricular innovation project S ED 774 - Teacher Research Methodologies