About Us
The Department of Secondary Education prepares reflective practitioners and leaders with strong grounding in equity and social justice to work in our public schools to inspire all their students to learn. We engage single subject teachers, present and future, in studying and supporting the learning of all students. We provide clinical opportunities for learning and practice research-based methods for teaching adolescents growing up in our urban communities.
Get to know the individuals in the Department of Secondary Education.

Faculty (Full-Time)

Faculty (Part-Time)
Emeritus Faculty
- Dr. Nathan Avani
- Dr. Judith Blomberg
- Dr. Herlinda Cancino
- Dr. Penelope Flores
- Dr. Lynn Fox
- Dr. Larry Horvath
- Dr. Judith Kysh
- Dr. Mark Phillips
- Dr. Kathleen O'Sullivan
Lecturer Faculty
- Myron Berkman
- Jamie Chan
- Greg Gomez
- Catherine Lipson
- Frances Valesco