Prospective Students
Why Should You Come to SF State for Your Single Subject Credential and/or M.A. Degree?
- Single Subject Credential graduates have an excellent track record of getting jobs because school districts know that we are a quality program that models pedagogy
- Curriculum and Instruction seminars are specialized by discipline (e.g. math and science are NOT combined)
- We specialize in middle and high school teaching!
- Great professors who have had an impact writing curricula used by middle and high schools
- Two flexible Single Subject Credential options
- Fall start and Spring start single subject credential program options
- Students have a choice in taking fall classes in the morning, afternoon or evening
- Thoughtfully crafted blend of in-person and online class offerings
- We have a full-time staff member who matches students with schools for student teaching
- A GREAT deal financially. Quality at the lowest tuition around!
Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid Examples

Tuition Comparisons (Credential only)
Bay Area Single Subject Credential Program Options – Estimated
Total Tuition for Credential, 2018, 2019 Tuition Levels
- SF State University 2 Semester option: $8,182
- SF State University 3 Semester option: $10,875
- Bay Area Public University: $27,504
- SF Private University (Cred+M.A.): $34,510
- Bay Area Private University (Cred+M.A.): $51,223

Tuition Comparisons (Credential + M.A.)
Bay Area Single Subject Credential Program Options – Estimated
Total Tuition for Credential, 2018, 2019 Tuition Levels
- SF State University 2 Semester Cred plus M.A.: $17,727
- SF State University 3 Semester Cred plus M.A.: $20,070
- Bay Area Public University: $29,948
- SF Private University: $34,510
- Bay Area Private University: $51,223
Undergraduate Programs Links
Interested in teaching your major to young people in California? Choose a career as a High School or Middle School teacher! Below are links to current Undergraduate programs that have pathways to enable you to pursue a Single-Subject Credential in your field: